Promptly Journal

Capturing my kid’s childhood is a high value of mine. But it has to be easy to do and beautiful to look at or I won’t keep up with it. Enter Promptly Journals. I specifically use the Childhood History Journals, but there are LOTS of beautiful legacy books and journals available.

The Childhood History book has a beautiful linen cover in various muted colors that looks great with any decor. It documents pregnancy - year 18 with spaces to tape in drawings, pictures, artwork, and prompts to help you write down important moments from each year.

I hope by the time my kids are 18 that the journal is STUFFED FULL and falling apart on the edges - the sign of a book well loved.

There’s an Adoption Journal, too!

Even if your children are older, it’s not too late to start! I started Jonah’s journal when he was 10. I’ve just picked up at that age and have gone back to fill in the holes from earlier years as I remember something. But he will still have 8 full years of memories documented by the time he turns 18.

Worth it.

See all the Promptly Journals available here.


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